View Full Version : братья, хелп, такая проблема, после установки - куча ошибок

01.11.2005, 09:04
проблема 1.
вроде все поставил.
все сделал.
запускаю индекс, выползает море ошибок,
потом сам сайт.

ввожу пароль, захожу админом, появляется меню,
выбираю любой пункт - попадаю к окну ввода логина и пароля,
ввожу - попадаю в меню.
такой замкнутый кург.
нимогу ничего изменить.

Вот такие у меня ошибки:
Notice: ob_end_clean(): failed to delete buffer. No buffer to delete. in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 45

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php:45) in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 195

Notice: Constant _YOUHAVE already defined in z:\home\lost.ru\www\language\lang-russian.php on line 151

Notice: Undefined variable: gfx in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 1205

Notice: Undefined variable: file in z:\home\lost.ru\www\index.php on line 48

Notice: Undefined index: 2 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 251

Notice: Use of undefined constant admin - assumed 'admin' in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 204

Notice: Constant _HELLO already defined in z:\home\lost.ru\www\modules\News\language\lang-russian.php on line 65

Notice: Constant _ADD already defined in z:\home\lost.ru\www\modules\News\language\lang-russian.php on line 83

Notice: Undefined variable: op in z:\home\lost.ru\www\modules\News\index.php on line 198

Notice: Undefined variable: new_topic in z:\home\lost.ru\www\modules\News\index.php on line 201

Notice: Undefined index: 1 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 639

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 642

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 522

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php:45) in z:\home\lost.ru\www\header.php on line 31

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php:45) in z:\home\lost.ru\www\header.php on line 32

Notice: Undefined index: 2 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 251

Notice: Undefined index: 1 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 639

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 642

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\themes\RusNuke2003\theme.php on line 47

Notice: Use of undefined constant left - assumed 'left' in z:\home\lost.ru\www\themes\RusNuke2003\theme.php on line 82

Notice: Use of undefined constant bkey - assumed 'bkey' in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 414

Notice: Use of undefined constant admin - assumed 'admin' in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 414

Notice: Use of undefined constant bkey - assumed 'bkey' in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 416

Notice: Use of undefined constant userbox - assumed 'userbox' in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 416

Notice: Use of undefined constant bkey - assumed 'bkey' in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 418

Notice: Undefined index: 2 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 251

Notice: Undefined variable: content in z:\home\lost.ru\www\blocks\block-Modules.php on line 58

Notice: Undefined variable: def_module in z:\home\lost.ru\www\blocks\block-Modules.php on line 59

Notice: Undefined index: 1 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 227
Notice: Undefined index: 1 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 227
Notice: Undefined index: 1 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 227
Notice: Undefined index: 1 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 227
Notice: Undefined index: 1 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 227

посоветуйте чего, плиз.

01.11.2005, 12:35
Jhony пользуемся поиском по форуму все ошибки обсуждались не раз!

01.11.2005, 14:18
брат, колбасился по форуму часа два, нашел что-то похожее,
но проблему таки решить не смог... :(


01.11.2005, 18:26
Jhony Вводим в поиск Notice (http://forum.mynuke.ru/search.php?searchid=883) находим вот эту тему (http://forum.mynuke.ru/showthread.php?t=8&highlight=Notice)
Затем вводим Cannot modify (http://forum.mynuke.ru/search.php?searchid=2743) находим эту тему (http://forum.mynuke.ru/showthread.php?t=584&highlight=modify)

и что здесь было сложного??:sad:

01.11.2005, 22:00
все делал как написано - ничего не помогает, все равно выводится такая байда.
с панелью админа все та же проблема осталась.
может еще какие варианты есть ?

Notice: Constant _YOUHAVE already defined in z:\home\lost.ru\www\language\lang-russian.php on line 151
Notice: Undefined variable: gfx in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 1205
Notice: Undefined variable: file in z:\home\lost.ru\www\index.php on line 48
Notice: Undefined index: 2 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 251
Notice: Use of undefined constant admin - assumed 'admin' in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 204
Notice: Constant _HELLO already defined in z:\home\lost.ru\www\modules\News\language\lang-russian.php on line 65
Notice: Constant _ADD already defined in z:\home\lost.ru\www\modules\News\language\lang-russian.php on line 83
Notice: Undefined variable: op in z:\home\lost.ru\www\modules\News\index.php on line 198
Notice: Undefined variable: new_topic in z:\home\lost.ru\www\modules\News\index.php on line 201
Notice: Undefined index: 1 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 639
Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 642
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 522
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php:45) in z:\home\lost.ru\www\header.php on line 31
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php:45) in z:\home\lost.ru\www\header.php on line 32
Notice: Undefined index: 2 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 251
Notice: Undefined index: 1 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 639
Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 642
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\themes\RusNuke2003\theme.php on line 47
Notice: Use of undefined constant bkey - assumed 'bkey' in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 414
Notice: Use of undefined constant admin - assumed 'admin' in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 414
otice: Use of undefined constant bkey - assumed 'bkey' in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line N416
Notice: Use of undefined constant userbox - assumed 'userbox' in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 416
Notice: Undefined index: 2 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 251
Notice: Use of undefined constant bkey - assumed 'bkey' in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 414
Notice: Use of undefined constant admin - assumed 'admin' in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 414
Notice: Use of undefined constant bkey - assumed 'bkey' in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 416
Notice: Use of undefined constant userbox - assumed 'userbox' in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 416
Notice: Use of undefined constant bkey - assumed 'bkey' in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 418
Notice: Undefined index: 2 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 251
Notice: Undefined variable: sum in z:\home\lost.ru\www\blocks\block-Survey.php on line 65
Notice: Undefined index: 4 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\blocks\block-Survey.php on line 67
Notice: Undefined index: 5 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\blocks\block-Survey.php on line 67
Notice: Undefined index: 6 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\blocks\block-Survey.php on line 67
Notice: Use of undefined constant right - assumed 'right' in z:\home\lost.ru\www\themes\RusNuke2003\theme.php on line 101
Notice: Use of undefined constant bkey - assumed 'bkey' in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 414
Notice: Use of undefined constant admin - assumed 'admin' in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 414
Notice: Use of undefined constant bkey - assumed 'bkey' in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 416
Notice: Use of undefined constant userbox - assumed 'userbox' in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 416
Notice: Use of undefined constant bkey - assumed 'bkey' in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 418
Notice: Undefined index: 2 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 251
Notice: Undefined index: 1 in z:\home\lost.ru\www\mainfile.php on line 227

02.11.2005, 02:14
Jhony значит не правильно сделали!