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18.06.2006, 21:14

Вот тебе код, все как нужно сделано, как просил. Только еще раз прийдется адаптировать под свои нужды, т.к. это по модуль календарь.

<?php if (eregi("block-Kalendar.php", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { Header("Location: index.php"); die(); } global $prefix, $currentlang, $calsetmonth, $calsetyear; $module_name = "Kalendar"; /* set $requestcomp to indicate the page on which you want the javascript menu to appear */ $Date = Date("m/d/Y"); /* today's date */ $Date_Array1 = explode("/", $Date); /* code for requested month or day */ $Date_Array = explode("/", $Date); if (isset($calsetyear)) { $Date_Array[2] = $calsetyear; } if (isset($calsetmonth)) { $Date_Array[0] = $calsetmonth; } /**** Specific front display variables */ /*EDIT THESE TO SPECIFY COLORS BELOW*/ // Colores para personalizar se pueden usar los colores del tema $bgcolorX y $textcolorX $hoy = "#FFFF00"; // Цвет текста текущей даты $pas = "#000000"; // Цвет текста прошедших дней $nue = "#FFFFFF"; // Цвет текста будущих дней дней $ant = "#F5F5FF"; // Цвет фона обычных прошедших дней $bgh = "#000000"; // Цвет фона текущего дня $fes = "#FF0000"; // Цвет фона воскресных дней $nor = "#666D75"; // Цвет фона обычных будущих дней $content = ""; $selmon = array(); for ($i=1; $i <=12; $i++) { $selmon[$i] = ""; } $month = $Date_Array[0]; if ($month == "01" || $month =="1") { $monthname = _CALJAN; $selmon[1] = "selected"; } elseif ($month == "02") { $monthname = _CALFEB; $selmon[2] = "selected"; } elseif ($month == "03") { $monthname = _CALMAR; $selmon[3] = "selected"; } elseif ($month == "04") { $monthname = _CALAPR; $selmon[4] = "selected"; } elseif ($month == "05") { $monthname = _CALMAY; $selmon[5] = "selected"; } elseif ($month == "06") { $monthname = _CALJUN; $selmon[6] = "selected"; } elseif ($month == "07") { $monthname = _CALJUL; $selmon[7] = "selected"; } elseif ($month == "08") { $monthname = _CALAUG; $selmon[8] = "selected"; } elseif ($month == "09") { $monthname = _CALSEP; $selmon[9] = "selected"; } elseif ($month == "10") { $monthname = _CALOCT; $selmon[10] = "selected"; } elseif ($month == "11") { $monthname = _CALNOV; $selmon[11] = "selected"; } elseif ($month == "12") { $monthname = _CALDEC; $selmon[12] = "selected"; } /* Determine selected year */ $selyear = array(); for ($i=1; $i <=10; $i++) { $selyear[$i] = ""; if ($Date_Array[2] == ($i+2005)) { $selyear[$i] = "selected"; } } /**** Get the Day (Integer) for the first day in the month */ $First_Day_of_Month_Date = mktime("", "", "", $Date_Array[0], 1, $Date_Array[2]); $Date = $First_Day_of_Month_Date; $Day_of_First_Week = Date("w",$First_Day_of_Month_Date); /**** Find the last day of the month */ $Month = Date("m",$Date); $day = 27; do { $End_of_Month_Date = mktime("", "", "", $Date_Array[0], $day, $Date_Array[2]); $Test_Month = Date("m",$End_of_Month_Date); $day += 1; } while ( $Month == $Test_Month ); $Last_Day = $day - 1; /**** Get todays date */ $Today_d = Date("d"); $Today_m = Date("m"); $Today_y = Date("Y"); /**** Build Month */ $content .= "\n<BR><center><TABLE border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2>"; $content .= "\n<TR>\n<TH colspan=7><FORM Name = \"selectcalendar\" action = \"index.php\">\n<center><FONT class=\"tiny\">"; //if (eregi($requestcomp,$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $content .="<B><SELECT Name = \"calsetmonth\" onChange=\"javascript:document.selectcalendar.submit()\"> <OPTION $selmon[1] VALUE='01'>Январь</OPTION> <OPTION $selmon[2] VALUE='02'>Февраль</OPTION> <OPTION $selmon[3] VALUE='03'>Март</OPTION> <OPTION $selmon[4] VALUE='04'>Апрель</OPTION> <OPTION $selmon[5] VALUE='05'>Май</OPTION> <OPTION $selmon[6] VALUE='06'>Июнь</OPTION> <OPTION $selmon[7] VALUE='07'>Июль</OPTION> <OPTION $selmon[8] VALUE='08'>Август</OPTION> <OPTION $selmon[9] VALUE='09'>Сентебрь</OPTION> <OPTION $selmon[10] VALUE='10'>Октябрь</OPTION> <OPTION $selmon[11] VALUE='11'>Ноябрь</OPTION> <OPTION $selmon[12] VALUE='12'>Декабрь</OPTION> </SELECT> </b></font></center>\n</form>\n</th>\n</tr>\n"; //} // $content .= "</TH>\n</TR>"; /**** Build Month */ $content .= "\n<TABLE border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\">"; $day_of_week = 2; $content .= "<TR bgcolor=\"$bgcolor2\"> <TD width=\"20\" align=\"center\"><FONT color=\"$textcolor1\" SIZE=\"1\"><b>Пн</b></font></TD> <TD width=\"20\" align=\"center\"><FONT color=\"$textcolor1\" SIZE=\"1\"><b>Вт</b></font></TD> <TD width=\"20\" align=\"center\"><FONT color=\"$textcolor1\" SIZE=\"1\"><b>Ср</b></font></TD> <TD width=\"20\" align=\"center\"><FONT color=\"$textcolor1\" SIZE=\"1\"><b>Чт</b></font></TD> <TD width=\"20\" align=\"center\"><FONT color=\"$textcolor1\" SIZE=\"1\"><b>Пт</b></font></TD> <TD width=\"20\" align=\"center\"><FONT color=\"$textcolor1\" SIZE=\"1\"><b>Сб</b></font></TD> <TD width=\"20\" align=\"center\"><FONT color=\"$textcolor1\" SIZE=\"1\"><b>Вс</b></font></TD> </TR>"; if ($Day_of_First_Week == 0) $Day_of_First_Week = 7; /**** Previous Greyed month days */ While ($day_of_week < ($Day_of_First_Week + 1)) { if ($day_of_week == 2) { $content .= "\n<TR>"; } if ($day_of_week == 8) $content .= "<TD valign=top><TABLE width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 bgcolor=$bgcolor4 border=0><TR><TD align=center><FONT SIZE=2><b>&nbsp;</b></TR></TABLE></td>"; else $content .= "<TD valign=top><TABLE width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><TR><TD align=center><FONT SIZE=2><b>&nbsp;</b></TR></TABLE></td>"; $day_of_week += 1; } $usedcount = 0; $cellcount = 0; /**** Build Current Month */ for ($day = 1 ; $day <= $Last_Day ; $day++) { if ($day_of_week == 2) $content .= "\n<TR>"; if ($day_of_week == 8) { $bgnew = $fes; $bgold = $fes; } else { $bgnew = $nor; $bgold = $ant; } $result = mysql_query("SELECT eid,title,eventDate,endDate,startTime,endTime,barc olor FROM $prefix"._events." WHERE (eventDate <= '$Date_Array[2]-$Date_Array[0]-$day' AND endDate >= '$Date_Array[2]-$Date_Array[0]-$day');"); if (($day == $Today_d) && ($Date_Array[0] == $Today_m) && ($Date_Array[2] == $Today_y)) $content .= "\n\t<TD valign=top><TABLE width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 bgcolor=$bgh border=0><TR><TD align=center><b><a href=\"modules.php?name=Kalendar&data=0$day.$Date_Array[0].$Date_Array[2]\"><FONT color=$hoy SIZE=2>$day</font></a></b>"; elseif (($day < $Today_d) && ($Date_Array[0] == $Today_m) && ($Date_Array[2] == $Today_y)) $content .= "\n\t<TD valign=top><TABLE width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 bgcolor=$bgold border=0><TR><TD align=center><b><a href=\"modules.php?name=Kalendar&data=0$day.$Date_Array[0].$Date_Array[2]\"><FONT color=$pas SIZE=2>$day</font></a></b>"; elseif (($Date_Array[0] < $Today_m) && ($Date_Array[2] == $Today_y) || ($Date_Array[2] < $Today_y)) $content .= "\n\t<TD valign=top><TABLE width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 bgcolor=$bgold border=0><TR><TD align=center><b><a href=\"modules.php?name=Kalendar&data=0$day.$Date_Array[0].$Date_Array[2]\"><FONT color=$pas SIZE=2>$day</font></a></b>"; else $content .= "\n\t<TD valign=top><TABLE width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 bgcolor=$bgnew border=0><TR><TD align=center><b><FONT color=$nue SIZE=2>$day</font></b>"; if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) $content .= "<br></TR></TABLE>"; elseif (mysql_num_rows($result) >= 4) $content .= "<br></TR></TABLE>"; elseif (mysql_num_rows($result) >= 3) $content .= "<br></TR></TABLE>"; elseif (mysql_num_rows($result) >= 2) $content .= "<br></TR></TABLE>"; else $content .= "<br></TR></TABLE>"; $content .= "</td>"; if ($day_of_week == 8) { $day_of_week = 1; $content .= "\n</TR>"; } $day_of_week += 1; } /**** Next Greyed month days */ $day = 1; if ($day_of_week != 1) { $tmp = 8 - $day_of_week; $content .= "<TD colspan=$tmp><font class=\"tiny\"></font></TD>"; } $Date = implode("/", $Date_Array); $content .= "\n</td></tr></table><BR>"; ?>

ну примерно так.

разместили одновременно , бывает