13.04.2006, 21:18
Открываем includes/functions_post.php
Находим (51):
PHP код:
$allowed_html_tags = split(',', $board_config['allow_html_tags']); $end_html = 0; $start_html = 1; $tmp_message = ''; $message = ' ' . $message . ' '; while ($start_html = strpos($message, '<', $start_html)) { $tmp_message .= preg_replace($html_entities_match, $html_entities_replace, substr($message, $end_html + 1, ($start_html - $end_html - 1))); if ($end_html = strpos($message, '>', $start_html)) { $length = $end_html - $start_html + 1; $hold_string = substr($message, $start_html, $length); if (($unclosed_open = strrpos(' ' . $hold_string, '<')) != 1) { $tmp_message .= preg_replace($html_entities_match, $html_entities_replace, substr($hold_string, 0, $unclosed_open - 1)); $hold_string = substr($hold_string, $unclosed_open - 1); } $tagallowed = false; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($allowed_html_tags); $i++) { $match_tag = trim($allowed_html_tags[$i]); if (preg_match('#^<\/?' . $match_tag . '[> ]#i', $hold_string)) { $tagallowed = (preg_match('#^<\/?' . $match_tag . ' .*?(style[\t ]*?=|on[\w]+[\t ]*?=)#i', $hold_string)) ? false : true; } } $tmp_message .= ($length && !$tagallowed) ? preg_replace($html_entities_match, $html_entities_replace, $hold_string) : $hold_string; $start_html += $length; } else { $tmp_message .= preg_replace($html_entities_match, $html_entities_replace, substr($message, $start_html, strlen($message))); $start_html = strlen($message); $end_html = $start_html; } } if (!$end_html || ($end_html != strlen($message) && $tmp_message != '')) { $tmp_message .= preg_replace($html_entities_match, $html_entities_replace, substr($message, $end_html + 1)); } $message = ($tmp_message != '') ? trim($tmp_message) : trim($message);
Заменяем на: (изменено)
PHP код:
// If HTML is on, we try to make it safe // This approach is quite agressive and anything that does not look like a valid tag // is going to get converted to HTML entities $message = stripslashes($message); $html_match = '#<[^\w<]*(\w+)((?:"[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\'|[^<>\'"])+)?>#'; $matches = array(); $message_split = preg_split($html_match, $message); preg_match_all($html_match, $message, $matches); $message = ''; foreach ($message_split as $part) { $tag = array(array_shift($matches[0]), array_shift($matches[1]), array_shift($matches[2])); $message .= htmlspecialchars($part) . clean_html($tag); } $message = addslashes($message); $message = str_replace('"', '\"', $message);
Находим (161):
PHP код:
$temp_option_text[$option_id] = htmlspecialchars($option_text);
Заменяем на:
PHP код:
$temp_option_text[intval($option_id)] = htmlspecialchars($option_text);
Находим (824):
PHP код:
include("includes/page_tail_review.php"); } }
Ниже добавьте:
PHP код:
/** * Called from within prepare_message to clean included HTML tags if HTML is * turned on for that post * @param array $tag Matching text from the message to parse */ function clean_html($tag) { global $board_config; if (empty($tag[0])) { return ''; } $allowed_html_tags = preg_split('/, */', strtolower($board_config['allow_html_tags'])); $disallowed_attributes = '/^(?:style|on)/i'; // Check if this is an end tag preg_match('/<[^\w\/]*\/[\W]*(\w+)/', $tag[0], $matches); if (sizeof($matches)) { if (in_array(strtolower($matches[1]), $allowed_html_tags)) { return '</' . $matches[1] . '>'; } else { return htmlspecialchars('</' . $matches[1] . '>'); } } // Check if this is an allowed tag if (in_array(strtolower($tag[1]), $allowed_html_tags)) { $attributes = ''; if (!empty($tag[2])) { preg_match_all('/[\W]*?(\w+)[\W]*?=[\W]*?(["\'])((?:(?!\2).)*)\2/', $tag[2], $test); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($test[0]); $i++) { if (preg_match($disallowed_attributes, $test[1][$i])) { continue; } $attributes .= ' ' . $test[1][$i] . '=' . $test[2][$i] . str_replace(array('[', ']'), array('[', ']'), htmlspecialchars($test[3][$i])) . $test[2][$i]; } } if (in_array(strtolower($tag[1]), $allowed_html_tags)) { return '<' . $tag[1] . $attributes . '>'; } else { return htmlspecialchars('<' . $tag[1] . $attributes . '>'); } } // Finally, this is not an allowed tag so strip all the attibutes and escape it else { return htmlspecialchars('<' . $tag[1] . '>'); } }
Открываем modules/Forums/prune.php
Находим (72):
PHP код:
function prune($forum_id, $prune_date, $prune_all = false) { global $db, $lang;
Ниже добавляем:
PHP код:
// Before pruning, lets try to clean up the invalid topic entries $sql = 'SELECT topic_id FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' WHERE topic_last_post_id = 0'; if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain lists of topics to sync', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } while( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ) { sync('topic', $row['topic_id']); } $db->sql_freeresult($result);
Находим (98):
PHP код:
AND ( p.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id OR t.topic_last_post_id = '0' )";
Заменяем на:
PHP код:
AND p.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id";
Открываем modules/Forums/sessions.php
Находим (183):
PHP код:
list($sec, $usec) = explode(' ', microtime()); mt_srand((float) $sec + ((float) $usec * 100000)); $session_id = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
Заменяем на:
PHP код:
$session_id = md5(dss_rand());
Находим (245):
PHP код:
list($sec, $usec) = explode(' ', microtime()); mt_srand(hexdec(substr($session_id, 0, 8)) + (float) $sec + ((float) $usec * 1000000)); $auto_login_key = uniqid(mt_rand(), true);
Заменяем на:
PHP код:
$auto_login_key = dss_rand() . dss_rand();
Находим (519):
PHP код:
WHERE last_login < ' . (time() - (86400 * (int) $board_config['max_autologin_time'])); $db->sql_query($sql); } return true; }
Ниже добавляем:
PHP код:
/** * Reset all login keys for the specified user * Called on password changes */ function session_reset_keys($user_id, $user_ip) { global $db, $userdata; $key_sql = ($user_id == $userdata['user_id'] && !empty($userdata['session_key'])) ? "AND key_id != '" . md5($userdata['session_key']) . "'" : ''; $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . SESSIONS_KEYS_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id = ' . (int) $user_id . " $key_sql"; if ( !$db->sql_query($sql) ) { message_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, 'Error removing auto-login keys', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } $where_sql = 'session_user_id = ' . (int) $user_id; $where_sql .= ($user_id == $userdata['user_id']) ? " AND session_id <> '" . $userdata['session_id'] . "'" : ''; $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . SESSIONS_TABLE . " WHERE $where_sql"; if ( !$db->sql_query($sql) ) { message_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, 'Error removing user session(s)', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } if ( !empty($key_sql) ) { $auto_login_key = dss_rand() . dss_rand(); $current_time = time(); $sql = 'UPDATE ' . SESSIONS_KEYS_TABLE . " SET last_ip = '$user_ip', key_id = '" . md5($auto_login_key) . "', last_login = $current_time WHERE key_id = '" . md5($userdata['session_key']) . "'"; if ( !$db->sql_query($sql) ) { message_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, 'Error updating session key', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } // And now rebuild the cookie $sessiondata['userid'] = $user_id; $sessiondata['autologinid'] = $autologin_id; $cookiename = $board_config['cookie_name']; $cookiepath = $board_config['cookie_path']; $cookiedomain = $board_config['cookie_domain']; $cookiesecure = $board_config['cookie_secure']; setcookie($cookiename . '_data', serialize($sessiondata), $current_time + 31536000, $cookiepath, $cookiedomain, $cookiesecure); $userdata['session_key'] = $auto_login_key; unset($sessiondata); unset($auto_login_key); } }